The History of the Theatre

History of the theater

The State Theater of Drama and Comedy named after Azerbaijan Mambetov was officially opened on November 1, 2018 with the support of the Akimat of Astana. The director of the theater is Alexander Viktorovich Mayer. The artistic director of the theater is the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan – Tursynbek Kabatov. On December 10, 2018, a theatrical curtain was performed for the first time in M.Frein's comedy "Theater 180⁰", which gathered the audience. The director of this performance is the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan – Sailau Kamiev.


  1. Comedy M. Freina «Theater 180º» (directed by: Deputy Director of the Kazakhstan election Kamiyev)
  2. Comedy M. Camoletti «festive menu» (director: Saylau Kamiyev, director of the evening of Kazakhstan)
  3. Musical comedy B. Tomasa «sister Charlie» (director: Saylau Kamiyev, director of Kazakhstan)
  4. Requiem W. Shakespeare «Richard III» (director: Farhad Moldagali). In 2019, the collective theater took part in the annual international theatrical festival "Samgau" with the Requiem "Richard III" and received the award of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  5. D. Isabekov comedy «Ashten» (director-Nurzhigit Muslimov)
  6. M. Makatayev melodrama «Kosh, mahabbat» (director: Saylau Kamiyev, Deputy Director of Kazakhstan)
  7. The Story of R. Kiplinga «Mowgli» (directed by Ali Bidakhmetov)
  8. Zh. Shaikhislamovich Lyro-epic «Kyz Zhibek» (director-Dina Kunanbay)
  9. M.Auezov drama «Zhas Abay» (directed by: Honored Worker of Kazakhstan-Nurlan Zhumaniyazov)

10.D.Isabekov drama «Guardian Of Silence» (director: deputy director of Kazakhstan Saylyk Kamiyev)

  1. Irene Mechchi, Jonathan Roberts, Linda Wolverton «The Lion King». Director-Enlik Yerbolovna
  2. Drama "rural stories" on the motives of Rasskazov O. Bokeya (directed by: Saylau Kamiyev, Ali Bidakhmet, Nurzhigit Muslimov).
  3. Tragedy W. Shakespeare" Romeo-Juliet " Directed By Yeslyam Nurtazin

14.Drama A. Volodin «I miss you». Director-Aridash Ospanbayeva

  1. J. Moliere comedy «The Miser». Director-Ulanmyrza Karypbayev
  2. Drama «Buranda station» "on the motives of Romana Sh. Aitmatova"day of the dawn". Director-Ulanmyrza Karypbayev
  3. On the motives of Romana Mark Haddon "the sacrament of the dog"

Play "Detective Christopher" Directed By Samson Movsesyan (Armenia)

  1. Said Ahmad" the uprising of brides " Director-Ulanmyrza Karypbayev

19.Tragicomedy "Charlie Chaplin". Director-Nikolai Baloban (St. Petersburg)
20. Drama "Alash Zholy" playwright-Kanat Zhunusov. Director-Kuandyk Kasymov 21." The Little Prince " by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Director-Nurzhigit Muslimov
22." Childhood That was not "is a reference to the motives of the bestseller Akberena Elgezeka"childhood that was not". The Director Is Ali Bidahmet.

23. «Akan seri turaly anyz» Author: Miras Abil, winner of the Daryn Prize, director: Ulanmyrza Karypbaev

24. Dramedy «Zhaldamaly pater». Author: Amanzhol Kazybek, director Akniet Zhaksygali

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